IAP 2024 Bursaries

IAP 2024 Bursaries

Bursary applications closed on 12th June, 2024

The International Academy of Pathology and its divisions have made available the following bursary opportunities to attend IAP 2024.

IAP bursaries for pathologists from low and middle income countries

A limited number of bursaries are available for applicants from underserved countries.

Bursaries consist of free registration and a financial contribution towards accommodation and travel.

To be eligible for a bursary applicants must have submitted an abstract to the Congress. Abstract acceptance as a presenting author is a condition of the bursary award.

For further information and to apply please visit the Central IAP website.

Bursaries for Trainee Members of the British Division of the IAP

In addition to IAP Bursaries, the British Division of the IAP is making available a limited number of bursaries for its trainee members from BDIAP member countries (UK, Belgium, Ireland or the Netherlands) To apply please visit the BDIAP website.

Note: Applicants can only receive funding for a bursary  to IAP 2024 from one funding source.